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project 2: “materiality of space : an experiential exploration” 


In groups of 5, we are required to select a commercial/ residential building (a fun, creative space) which allows you to experience and explore most of the building materials covered in the module. We are required to produce 2 landscape A2 boards and 1 mood board for group whereas for individual 1 A2 board which included design intention & concept and space analysis. 


project 1: solid vs void– “shaping light & space” 


We are required to design and build any basic shape of their choice within a volume of 12”X12”X12” on a 1” base. The shapes could be sphere, cylinder, cuboid, cone, hexagonal prism, square-based pyramid, triangle-based pyramid, cube and triangular prism. We can select 3 of the following materials (at least 1 is transparent material), hard plastic sheet, glass, perspex, cardboard, box, any type of tiles, wire mesh, aluminium sheet, balsa wood and plywood. 


We are required to submit a 1:1 model and an A2 analytique board contain drawings. 


building materials

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Presentation board
Group Board (1)
Group Board (2)
Individual Board

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