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about me
sem 1
architectural design studio I
architectural culture & history I
design communication
building materials
sem 2
architectural design studio II
architectural culture & history II
building construction I
environmental sustainable design
sem 2.5
methods of documentation & measured draw
work in progress (wip)
sem 3
architectural design studio III
building construction II
building science I
sem 4
architectural design studio IV
building services
building structure
asian architecture
architectural conservation
sem 4.5
internship training and report
sem 5
architectural design studio V
building science II
building technology I
theories of architecture & urbanism
community service initiative
tales of three cities
sem 6
architectural design project
project management
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architecture portfolio
Loh Wei Shuen
community service initiative
theories of architecture and urbanism
building technology I
building science II
architectural design studio V
sem 5 / mar 2017
tales of three cities
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