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project 1b: tonal values



Based on the selected image, produce four variations of a tonal value sketch. We are allowed to vary the sketches in the hatching type and medium. Examples of hatching types include stippling, cross-hatching, one-directional (hatching) and scribbling. We may use pen, pencil & color pencil or mixed media.


project 2a: orthographic projections


We are required to present our architectural drawings of Farnsworth house which consisting of: 

- floor plans 

- front, back and both (left & right) side elevations of the given building 

- 2 x cross-section view of the building showing floor and roof construction.


project 1a: "on-site sketching"


We are required to capture/emphasize the following aspects of the built environment within the site to understanding the following of spaces: 

- Solids and voids: Form, Skin, Structure 

- Opening/Aperture; openness/enclosure; inside/outside; light/shadow 

- Rhythm in architecture 

- Details 

- Textural effects/Materials 

- Landscape/Setting 

- Scale and proportion (Relation to human and other surrounding built environment)


Sketches should include both exterior and interior spaces.


design communication

project 2b: axonometric projections


Use pencil and butter paper to generate an external and interior axonometric drawing of the Farnsworth House. The axonometric drawings should show the external view and also the exploaded interior. 


project 2c: perspectives



We are required to identify an interesting external view and interior view of Farnsworth House and submit 1 one point perspective (for interior view) and 1 two point perspective (for exterior view). Rendering or colour should be included in the drawings.


East West Section
North South Section
Two point perspective
One point perspective
Exterior axonometric
Interior exploded axonometric
Single hatching.jpg
Cross hatching.jpg
Light shadow.jpg
Scale & proportion.jpg
Solids & voids.jpg

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